By opting for an operation for myopia, you can hope to do without glasses and / or contact lenses for good. At present, refractive surgery provides excellent results. As long as you choose a good surgeon. If the operation for myopia is one of the most common, it is far from trivial. Your vision is precious, entrust it to a good eye surgeon. What elements should you pay attention to? Here are some tips for choosing the best surgeon for the myopia operation.


Have several years of surgical experience for eye surgery. He must be able to treat myopia, but not only. If it is associated with astigmatism, he should be able to offer you treatment that takes care of these two visual disturbances, for example.
Have a cabinet equipped with a modern and complete technical platform. If the surgical skills of the ophthalmologist are essential, the environment, and more particularly the equipment, is just as important. A good eye surgeon has several state-of-the-art lasers so they can choose the one that is best for each case. The equipment must be renewed regularly to bring the latest


Any ophthalmologist can operate and include the information he wishes on his prescription. There is no exam certifying the surgical skills of an eye specialist. To find a good ophthalmic surgeon, consult the titles obtained. They testify to his skills. Quality postgraduate training is essential to gain solid experience in eye surgery. Please note, in France, titles obtained abroad have no value. Here are the titles held by the top surgeons for myopia.

Intern at Paris Hospitals

The title of Intern at the Hospitals of Paris is obtained following the successful completion of an anonymous and highly selective competition in medicine. The examination is preceded by a 4 to 6 year internship period during which the future ophthalmic surgeon learns to master the operating techniques. This practical training includes internships lasting 6 months in different hospital departments. This diversity allows him to practice the different specialties of ophthalmic surgery: refractive surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery
Among all the boarding schools in France, the most prestigious are those in Paris, Nice, Nantes, Marseille and Lyon .

CCA – Assistant Clinic Manager

At the end of the internship period, the Head of the ophthalmology department chooses to continue with some of his interns. Only internal 1 of 4 is selected. He then became Assistant Clinical Manager (CCA) for 4 years. During this period, the Assistant Clinical Manager operates a large number of patients within the same eye surgery department. This clinic allows him to acquire more experience and / or to specialize in a field of ophthalmology. He is also responsible for teaching and participates in research work in ophthalmology.

Clinic director

Most of the best myopia surgeons hold the title of Former Head of Clinic. The appointment is made on the basis of a competition. The evaluation relates in particular to the qualifications and work of the candidate.
The titles of Intern of the Hospitals of Paris, Assistant of the Hospitals of Paris and Head of Clinic at the Faculty are the guarantee that the ophthalmic surgeon who operates on you for myopia has benefited from solid surgical experience. They also bear witness to the high responsibilities exercised by the surgeon at the hospital level, as Head of Clinic, and at the university level as a Professor.


Notoriety is another criterion to be taken into account when choosing the best surgeon for the operation of myopia. Turn to an expert eye specialist in his field. A guarantee of seriousness, this recognition testifies to the high success rate of eye operations performed by the surgeon and / or a scientific authority.
Despite his notoriety, a good eye surgeon remains available for his patients. Before an operation for myopia, he will take the time to inform you of the risks and side effects of the surgery. He will question you about your expectations and your motivations before any operation. A thorough examination of each eye will allow him to select the most appropriate technique. It is thanks to this pre-operative examination that he will also be able to indicate to you the chances of obtaining the desired result. Their decisions are always made with the assurance of patient safety and ensuring the best possible outcome. Easily reachable before and after the eye operation, the surgeon himself performs all the examinations, pre-operative and post-operative, always with a concern for the best result.

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